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How to Properly Vet Your Job Candidates

Hiring a new employee can be stressful. You’re trying to find someone to help with your business goals, but you’re also losing money through the hiring process, and putting a lot of trust in your new hires. If you want to find the best employees, you need to make sure you vet your job candidates effectively. Here are a few tips that will help you to know how to properly vet them.

Look Over Their Resume

First of all, you should look over their resume. Even though it might be tempting to skim over their resume without reading it, it takes a little bit more time to learn about their background and experience. Even the format of their resume can tell you if this person is detail-oriented and organized or if they’ve just thrown a resume together without a lot of care. If their resume is updated and oriented toward your company and position, you’ll be able to tell that they have put a lot of thought into their application to your company. Here are a few additional tips for reviewing resumes effectively.

Check Their Social Media

Another approach that can help you to properly and thoroughly vet your job candidates is to check their social media. About 50% of employers already check the social media accounts of job applicants. Even if they have private social media accounts, you’ll be able to tell a lot about them through their social media profiles. What do their pictures look like? What details do they share in their bio? Are their accounts indicative of traits and skills that you want on your team? Or are there some red flags that you should be worried about? Social media can tell you a lot about a person.

Interview Them with Your Team

One of the last steps that you’ll take to vet your job candidates is to interview them with your team. You’ve probably done hundreds of traditional job interviews where you (or your HR manager) are talking to them one-on-one. However, interviewing your top candidates with the team that they’d be working with can be a super helpful step. When you interview them with some of their potential fellow employees, you can see how they’ll work together, and if their expertise in certain fields is really sufficient. After the interview, your team can also provide you with helpful insights that you might not have noticed.
So, if you’re gearing up for the time-consuming task of hiring new employees, make sure that you are vetting your potential candidates thoroughly. Remember to look over their resume, check their social media, and interview them with your team. This will help you to narrow down your options and hire the best possible employee for your company.